Merchandising UI refresh

Learn more about the latest changes in our Merchandising section

As part of our ongoing efforts to update and streamline’s frontend design and user experience, we’ve made some UI enhancements to the Merchandising section:

  • View rules “In this Store” or “In multiple Stores”: we updated the tabs in the overview of Merchandising Campaigns. You can now easily see all the rules specific to the store you’re visiting under the “In this Store” tab. For rules that apply across multiple stores, you can find them under the “In multiple Stores” tab.
  • Improved campaign configuration overview: We’ve added the rules and triggers set for your campaigns to give you a clearer understanding of each campaign’s impact.
  • Toggle campaign status: you can now enable or disable your campaigns directly from the list.

Screenshot of the new Merchandising overview page

You can learn more about our Merchandising tool in our help centre.

Enjoy the improvements!